Extended School Year (ESY)

ESY services are provided to students with disabilities beyond the regular school year.

Extended school year is a service necessary to ensure a student is receiving a free appropriate public education. It is “Special Education and related services that are provided to a child with a disability- beyond the normal school year of the public agency; in accordance with the child’s IEP; and at no cost to the parents of the child.” 

ESY can be a school-based program, on-the-job support or services contracted through the community or other agencies. The only showing required is that the service is “needed to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education being provided” in extended school year programs.

Factors for Consideration

  • Whether there is a likelihood that significant regression will occur in critical life skills related to: academics, communication, independent functioning and self-sufficiency; and, social or emotional development or behavior.
  • Whether the student is at a crucial stage in the development of a critical life skill or an emerging skill and a lapse in services would substantially jeopardize the student’s chances of learning that skill;
  • Whether the nature or severity of the student’s disability is such that the student would be unlikely to benefit from their education without the provision of ESY services; and,
  • Extenuating circumstances pertinent to the student’s current situation that indicate the likelihood that FAPE would not be provided without ESY services.
  • Factors outlined by FLDOE:
    • Regression/recoupment
    • Critical point of instruction
    • Emerging Skills
    • Nature of severity of disability
    • Interfering behaviors
    • Rate of progress
    • Special circumstances (e.g., transition from school to work)


  • ESY services may not be limited to particular categories of disability.
  • Services may not be unilaterally limited in type, amount, or duration
  • ESY could take place during any school break, or even during the school term in addition to the regular school day, depending on what the individual student needs to receive his or her free appropriate public education.
  • ESY could take place during any school break, or even during the school term in addition to the regular school day, depending on what the individual student needs to receive their Free Appropriate, Public Education.